RFP - Powell Street
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date | 4/8/24 12:00pm |
Bid Date | 4/18/24 5:00pm |
Emeryville, CA
Task 1: Existing Conditions. Conduct a full site survey and document conditions that affect the design and construction of improvements; including right-of-way (permits needed), topography, drainage, utilities, traffic, and geotechnical conditions. Identify constraints, challenges, and opportunities. Deliverable: Existing Conditions Memo.
Task 2: Feasibility Study. Develop a list of potential solutions and improvements for the corridor along with pros and cons for each option. The list shall include initial estimated costs, traffic/accessibility impacts on various travel modes, and feasibility of the improvements. Prepare sketches, diagrams, and/or exhibits for each potential option on the corridor. Deliverable: Feasibility Study Memo.
Task 3: Community Participation. With City staff, conduct stakeholder interviews with adjacent property owners, ground floor tenants, and residential property managers; meet with staff from Emery Go-Round; conduct an intercept survey of passengers at the project bus stops; post a survey online; send a post card to nearby residents and businesses, post flyers at the stops; and attend a community meeting and meetings of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Transportation Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council. The consultants need to attend, listen, present ideas, engage in dialogue with the community, and prepare documentation that summarizes what the community says. Deliverable: Community Participation Memo.
Task 4: Conceptual 10% Design. Based on identified design criteria and consensus ideas emerging from staff and the community, develop a conceptual design equivalent to a 10% design submittal. This concept plan will include dimensioned design plans (civil, traffic, landscape, and utilities) and cross-sections illustrating the improvements proposed. A topographic survey including a site investigation and feasibility analysis is required. Develop designs that are consistent with established goals and identify cost savings for alternatives (value engineering).
Deliverable: Conceptual 10% Design Memo.
Task 5: Preliminary Cost Estimate. To coincide with Task 4, calculate an engineering estimate for the conceptual design plans.
Deliverable: Preliminary Cost Estimate Memo.
Task 6: Approvals. Present the concept plan and cost estimate to staff; to the community online, and at a community meeting; and to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Transportation Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council for approval. Make changes to the concept plan and cost estimate as directed by staff and the City Council.
Deliverable: Provide six (6) slideshow presentations for public meetings.
Task 7: Project Funding Outlook and Grant Funding. The Consultant shall keep track of existing and new grant opportunities that may arise during the life of the Contract, and apply for funding on behalf of the City.
Deliverable: Maintain list of grant sources (county, state, federal) that the project will be eligible for, and complete three (3) competitive grant applications (narrative, mapping/exhibits, and forms) during the planning process and for one (1) year after the planning phase.
Task 8: Conceptual 35% Design. Based on approvals received in Task 6, develop a conceptual design equivalent to a 35% design submittal. This concept plan will include Geometric Approval PS&E, which includes survey, civil, traffic, landscape, grading, and utilities. This task may happen concurrently with Task 7.
Deliverable: Conceptual 35% Design Plans.
Task 9: Environmental/Permitting Assessment. Summary memo for Environmental Phase giving assessment of likely path and steps for this project for Environmental clearance for CEQA and NEPA. Research local jurisdictional rights and regulations for permits required from agencies such as East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD), BCDC, Caltrans, etc.
Deliverable: CEQA/NEPA assessment, required permits.